
SOCL 2320. Statistical Analysis in Sociology.

SOCI 2303代写Statistics for the Social Sciences

(MATH 2301; POLS 2303; PSYC 2301)

Offers students an opportunity to obtain knowledge and skills essential for understanding the theory and practice of social statistics commonly used in social research. Topics covered include the operationalization of abstract concepts; descriptive statistics; correlation; bivariate regression; central limit theorem; confidence intervals; hypothesis testing; and key concepts such as association, causation, and spurious relationships. Statistical software is used to complete

Introductory course including elements of probability to support statistical theory. Topics include theoretical distributions, discrete and continuous variables, and tests of hypotheses. Suggested for majors in the social and behavioral sciences.

2.留学万象of social science

在英国学校,social science分两个部门

一个是social science 一个是social science+data science

学data基本上能选social science能选的所有课 ,data就写写统计报告,建议有数学基础的朋友考虑,不然分数有点离谱;剩下的就是放假赶论文,毕竟文科,很多课只有论文没有考试,所以只能羡慕地看别人的朋友圈各种旅游照片.



  • 经济社会学(Economic Sociology)


  • 历史社会学(Historical Sociology)


  • 性别学(Sexand Gender)


  • 社会心理学(Social Psychology)


  • 社会阶层学(Social Stratification)


  • 文化社会学(Sociology of Culture)


  • 社会人口学(Sociology of Population)


  • 微观社会学(Microsociology)


  • 宏观社会学(Macrosociology)


  • 政治社会学(Political Sociology)



社会方面:Social Sciences 社会科学、Sociology 社会学、Criminology 犯罪学代写、Social work 社会工作、International Relations and Affairs (国际关系与公共事务);

社会经济方面:Applied Economics 应用经济学、Development Economics and International Development 国际发展与发展经济学等等




Cryptography Theory And Practice





The development and deployment of a cryptosystem must address the issue of security. Traditionally, the threat that cryptography addressed was that of an eavesdropping adversary who might intercept the ciphertext and attempt to decrypt it. If the adversary happens to possess the key, then there is nothing that can be done. Thus the main security consideration involves an adversary who does not possess the key, who is still trying to decrypt the ciphertext. The techniques used by the adversary to attempt to “break” the cryptosystem are termed cryptanalysis.
The most obvious type of cryptanalysis is to try to guess the key. An attack wherein the adversary tries to decrypt the ciphertext with every possible key in turn is termed an exhaustive key search.


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1. 课程介绍

The science, impacts, and politics of climate change from a geographic perspective. Examination of physical mechanisms, extreme weather events, impacts on water, food and energy systems, impacts on polar regions, energy strategies and solutions, policy and negotiations, and mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Fundamental principles of geographic information systems (GIS代写). Topics include history of the field, components of a GIS, the nature and characteristics of spatial data, methods of data capture and sources of data, database models, review of typical GIS operations and applications. Laboratory exercises provide experience with common computer-based systems.

2. 随想

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Careers in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are among the fastest growing in the U.S. economy. GIS are widely used for demographic and locational analysis, cartography, urban and regional planning, and environmental and natural resource management.

对比英国,ucl的化学类 geo开头 engineering类 information management for business 那一类会比较好录一点 (dbq我要吐槽一下教育 虽然说世界第一 但是成绩要求非常低而且录取率还挺高 虽然说课程设置还是很不错的很充实)经济 数学 计算机 都是贼恐怖的… 申请者平均3A*以上

在美国这边,Geo-engineering,其实理论上讲,这个专业是地理或者地信大类下面的,就是凡是你在Civil系的选课表里看到的“Geo”打头的课程,一般都是他们需要学习的(比如Geomorphology, Geomechanics, Geophysics等)。Geo-engineering其实是和Geo-science相对应的,非常类似于国内的工程地质,岩土工程。在东海岸的就业并不太乐观,但是这个专业在中西部的形势确实还不错,因为身边确实有这个专业然后跑到中部就业的同学,而且目前看虽然工作环境不是特别好,但日子还是有滋有味。

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在 SAP 系统中, 会计科目表有以下三种形式:operational chart of accountscountry charts of accounts group chats of accounts


SAP毕竟是业财一体化的ERP软件,许多财务结果是由业务驱动的,而业务又有严格的流程控制。例如,物料的收发直接生成会计凭证,那记账科目是怎么确定的,是否正确,如何进行控制? 应付账款的录入需要关联到采购订单和入库凭证,通过发票校验将采购系统与应付系统集成在一起,在发票校验环节实现发票数量和价格的审核。
In the SAP system, Financial accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO) exist as separate but highly related modules. Financial Accounting accomplishes the necessary processing and recording of accounting transactions along with the creation of financial statements and other reports for external users (e.g., individuals and entities outside of the company such as shareholders, government agencies, trade associations, etc.). Financial accounting is thus referred to in many instances as “external accounting” and as such must follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and external regulatory requirements.



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教材推荐 Operating System Concepts (9th Edition)

与之对应的视频讲解推荐YouTube上的 Operating System (by Neso Academy)合集



如果非要推一本书的话,我推operating system:three easy pieces。这本书拯救了我的操作系统课。

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  • Book
  • by G. M. Clarke; R. E. Kempson
  • 1996
  • recommended

1. 一般怎样去cite sources


2. sample of 代写law research essay questions

“Language cannot be seen as transparent or neutral but as a real force on its own. Language
does much to shape both who we are – our very selves – and the ways in which we observe
and construe the world.” – James Boyd White (1990) Justice as Translation: an essay in
cultural and legal criticism (University of Chicago Press), at xi
In the light of this quotation from White, an esteemed US scholar in law and humanities,
critically discuss the stories of law in one of the following topics from the course:
(a) equity and the language of conscience (week 8) or
(b) acoustic justice (week 10) or
(c) lawful speech and offensive words (week 11)

3. 常见topics领域




Intellectual property



Prenuptial agreements



Child Custody & Support

Custodial Agreement

Overtime Pay


purchase agreement

website terms and conditions

website privacy policy

website refund policy

Non Disclosure Agreement

lease agreement

shareholders agreement

partnership agreement

employment matters

Power of Attorney

Partnership agreement

留学顾问の QQ:2128789860




Legal Language is taught and administered by the Melbourne Law School. It is offered as a
Breadth subject, as well as being a compulsory subject in the Law and Justice Minor. The Law
and Justice Minor is a joint initiative of the Melbourne Law School and the Criminology
Discipline (School of Social and Political Sciences, Arts Faculty) at the University of Melbourne.

2.Assessment 结构

As set out in the University Handbook, there are two required items of assessment.
(i) Judgment Report (1000 words) (占比25%)
(ii) Research Essay (3000 words) (占比75%)


3.1 Lectures and Tutorials

These are designed to facilitate the development of your skills of writing and reading legal texts.

3.2 Legal Research Seminar

This is conducted by the Law Library. It is specifically tailored to
your needs in this course. It will take place in the second half of the course in order to help
you build your legal research skills for the research essay. Please check announcement in
lectures, tutorials and on LMS for the dates and how to enrol in them.

3.3 Revision Lectures and Tutorials

There are two sets of revision classes – one before the
first and one before the second assessment task. See the Topic schedule in the Subject
Guide for the specific dates.


Each of the questions below asks you to write a report that reflects on your understanding of
and reading of a named judgment or judgments. The ‘Guiding Quotation’ are provided to
prompt some thoughts about themes and approach you might want to take up. The quotes take
up some of the issues and approach that you have encountered in the lecture and the tutorial
discussions in weeks 1 to 6 inclusive.

4.1 Question 1

Write a brief report that reflects on your understanding of the differences in style and content
between the judgment of Cummins J in Victorian Supreme Court and the judgment by Winneke
P in the Victorian Court of Criminal Appeal in the Whiteside & Dieber case. Edited extracts of
these two judgments are included in the subject materials for this subject and can be accessed
online at Austlii.

4.2 Question 2

Write a brief report which reflects on your reading of the language and contexts of the
judgments of Gibbs CJ and Wilson J on the issue of standing in Onus v Alcoa [1981] HCA 50.

5. 打分重要事项

5.1 Relevance

the extent to which your written text is relevant to the stated task.

5.2 Argument

the extent to which your written text demonstrates engagement with, and understanding of, the text of the judgment.

5.3 Examples

whether or not the arguments of your text are linked to appropriate examples drawn from the judgment or other relevant legal texts.

5.4 Evaluation of Argument

the written report shows that you have evaluated the worth of your argument, as well as the worth of arguments made by the judgment being analysed and other texts you are using.



• To complement lecture material in understanding the principles of inference with Bayesian networks.
• To gain experience with implementing Bayesian inference and Gaussian Processes in software.
• To produce some assessable work for this subject.

锐泽代写,专门治愈您的坏心情,最近开学的同学比较多,一下子麻爪了,各种academic writing也逐渐升温了,感觉现在忙的像个新生!卡在死胡同里找不到突破口,risepaper是您最明事理的留学写作顾问!




题目标签是机器学习,以下观点来自机器学习中常用的Gaussian process

用法,不是随机过程中的更加一般化的Gaussian process介绍。

就拿ML中经典的Gaussian process(GP) regression


一种理解GP regression的方式是为数据的回归值建立联合分布。

一些AI顶会里Self-Supervised Learning领域用到计算神经


Representation Learning with Contrastive Predictive Coding

  • Rajesh Rao – Predictive Coding paper

Barlow-Twins by FAIR

  • Neuroscientist Barlow’s paper – reduce redundacy – connections to sparse coding/efficient coding

SlowFast Network by FAIR

  • Inspirations from P-cells and M-cells in Retina Ganglion Cells

Origami in N dimensions: How feed-forward networks

manufacture linear separability

Deep Neural Networks as Gaussian Processes