English 103
Summer 2017
Instructor: D. Bargen
Research Paper Final Instructions
Final Essay Due August 16, 2017
虽然只有1000 Words,但是要求很详细,分许多的steps去逐步完成,需要更加耐心细致。

General Instructions Summary

The final paper is worth 30% of your grade for term work. Remember that research is a process in which you repeatedly collect, assess, and analyze data, refining and focussing your questions as you go along. While comparison may enter into your analysis, you are expected to go far beyond a simple comparison of one text to another.

Non-Formulaic Thesis Statement

For the final essay, the thesis statement should be non-formulaic: remove the words “In this essay I will argue that . . . by . . . .” I asked you to use this formula in the outlining and thesis statement assignment in order to teach you to think about the argument of your essay and reduce it to a concise statement. You must, of course, always think about reducing your argument to a concise statement in writing an academic paper, and the formula can be a helpful tool in doing that, but you also need to learn how to write thesis statements that are not formulaic.


First, you must have at least two works in your Works Cited including the primary text. The Works Cited should follow MLA style precisely; it should include only works actually cited in the body of the essay and must include all works cited. Second, the thesis statement should be non-formulaic. Third, staple your paper to the copy of your Stage 4 Formal Draft with my marks and comments on it before submitting it: I do not bring a stapler to class.


social science代写怎么拿到UCL 的Distinction?





Text organisation & cohesion以及critical thinking非常重要,一定要在开始写作之前就充分的理解题目,每一个部分都要考虑进去!还有就是我们常说的critical thinking。我一般将这点理解为evaluation,用于支持观点的evidence有什么问题?为什么选择这个evidence?和其他evidence对比咨询微信risepaper,为什么这个更critical?

Range,Style & Lexis应该注意什么?

标准的academic essay风格要正确,比如citation,hedging,how to write introduction等等。这一点多旨在强调文章的语言运用,是否用的是formal words,有没有使用academic style writing。有些同学的第一篇68分的essay中tutor就写到“词语搭配很awkward”这一点,也因为这种细节导致essay很难上70。此外,尽量减少肯定的说法,咨询微信risepaper,例如:will be,definitely…多用could,likely这种不完全绝对的语言。hedging可是非常重要的!


reference真的真的真的很重要!无论是in-text citation,还是reference list,都要确保使用了正确的引用格式。坚持使用所在学校规范的style,熟练掌握。像是把last name 写成了first name,或者是忘记空格等都很影响评分。细节,真的可以决定成败!



总之,码字和处理各类数据都ok,本文罗列了一些event management相关的案例,其实在结构上都基本相同,专业不同的话,涉及到的内容套路不一样而已,写过的方向有

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方法论一般就是quantitative methods和qualitative methods

This chapter will describe the research approaches and methods for primary data collection.  It begins with an understanding of the research approach, followed by the description of the strategy and the design. Then, the data collection process, including the sample strategy and questionnaire design, is established. Finally the methodology for analysing the data and some ethical considerations are presented.


The data collection process was introduced in the previous chapter. This chapter will show the results, analysis and discussion derived from that process. The chapter starts by confirming the assumptions underlying multiple regression technique. Then it goes into verifying the reliability of the scales developed in the previous chapter. The following section aims to infer through standard multiple regression if the proposed hypotheses are supported or rejected. Finally, the empirical findings are discussed.


For the Standard Multiple Regression代写 used as the main statistical technique, it is necessary to verify if the data fits the following underlying assumptions: outliers, normality and linearity, and multicollinearity and singularity (Pallant, 2007). If they are not satisfied the results should be carefully analysed as they may be affected (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007).  These assumptions are verified in the subsequent sections.

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Managing Financial Resources in Tourism, Event and Sport
Strategic Management in Tourism, Event and Sport
