This project consists of three assessed components: a group report (group submission), an accompanying
code archive (group submission) and an individual reflective report (individual submission). The
guidance on these three parts is provided in Sections 2, 3 and Section 4 respectively. The group report
counts 35% towards your final grade of the module. The code counts 15% to the final grade. The
individual report counts 30% to your final grade and is due one week after the deadline for your group
report and code submission.

On completion, each group should submit files with the following titles:
• fomlads group report .pdf containing a group report
• fomlads code archive .zip containing a zip archive of the associated code
Individuals should also submit a file titled
• fomlads individual report .pdf containing their individual report
In the titles above and should be replaced with your group id and student
id respectively. For group submissions, only one person out of the group needs to submit. Every student
needs to individually submit the individual report.
DO NOT include your names anywhere in the group report, code or individual report.

RT1: Model/algorithm comparison
Machine Learning practitioners often have many algorithms at their disposal to solve a particular problem.
However, it is not always clear a priori, which model/algorithm works the best for the problem at hand.
This research template involves choosing one multiclass classification dataset with 5 or more classes,
one data representation for that dataset and one evaluation metric. Your objective is to evaluate
a number of models to see which performs best and understand a little about why. For this research
template you should use between 3 and 4 models (not more), including at least one lab model, and
at least one external model.
You will need to briefly explain the principles of any external classification model you use in your
report. This is not a tutorial explanation, but a high level description that gives the intuition behind
what is happening and the characteristic outcomes of the approach, e.g. under what conditions it works
well and under what conditions it fails.

RT2: Dimensionality Reduction
One of the most vital ingredients to a machine learning algorithm is the choice of representation. In
this research template, you are going to explore how dimensionality reduction techniques can be used

RT3: Multicluster linear classification
In this research template, you should explore the use of clustering to partition your data, so that separate
linear models can be trained on each cluster. The argument here is that some classification datasets
may best be modelled with a non-linear classifier, but this can be approximated to a collection of
linear classifiers applied to different regions (and that these regions can be discovered with a clustering
algorithm)微信risepaper. This research template involves choosing one dataset with a binary target, one data
representation, one evaluation metric and one clustering approach from the following list:
• K-means, see the lecture notes. You may use the SciKit implementation of sklearn.cluster.KMeans
• Agglomerative Clustering, see the lecture notes. You may use the SciKit implementation of
sklearn.cluster.AgglomerativeClustering, but you will need to cut the hierarchy to give a
flat clustering.
• DBSCAN, see [EKXM96] or [SSE+17]. You may use the SciKit implementation of sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN

1.2.1 Choosing a dataset
You must choose a one dataset and this requires you to search out an appropriate dataset online.
Good sources for datasets are from Kaggle ( or UCI (https:
// The dataset should ideally have no more than 100000
datapoints, but you can always take a larger dataset and then take a subset for your experiments.
However, you will need to make this subset available to the markers, so take the subset first save it down
to file, work with that file, and submit that file as part of your code submission. Your final code should
run on a desk computer (CPU only) in less than 15 minutes to obtain all the necessary results presented
in your report from scratch.

This is something we have spent some time on in the lectures and labs. How to model a classifier on
your data and how to fit the best parameters for that model. The lab models – those described in the
lectures are:
• Fisher’s linear discriminant
• Logistic Regression
• Shared Covariance Model
Although, we have implementations for these in the fomlads library, you may instead use the SciKit
implementations of these models, but you may only use the fit, predict and predict prob methods for
these models.
Under some circumstances, you may also use one (or more) of the following external models (again
this depends on your choice of research template – see Section 1.1). For these models, you are allowed
to directly use the Sklearn API but consult Section 1.5 for the allowed functionality. The appropriate
library function is indicated for each.
• Lasso regression – see here
• Elastic net – see here
• Random Forest Classifier – see here.
• Support Vector Machine (SVM) – see here.
Treat SVMs with different kernel types as different models. In particular, a SVM with a linear
kernel is a linear model (it fits a linear decision boundary). A SVM with a gaussian kernel is
non-linear. Polynomial kernels can be slow and perform less well than gaussian kernels.
• K-Nearest Neighbours (kNN) – see here.
• Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) – see here.
You can use at most one hidden layer.
When using either lab models or external models some effort to select best performing hyperparameters
is expected. This can include model hyperparameters, which influence the family of functions
fit (such as RBF location and width, random forest tree depth or branching factor, MLP activation function
or number of hidden units) as well as training hyperparameters (such as gradient stepsize or
regularisation parameter). Note that some models have a high number of model hyperparameters and
you may not be able to evaluate everything. A general rule of thumb is that at most 3 hyperparameters
per model should be investigated.
If using external models then some effort should be made in the report to demonstrate an understanding
of the model, and the influence of each model hyperparameter on the model (e.g. in terms of
flexibility of function and/or variance/bias)代写微信risepaper. For each of the models above, there are suggested references
on the associated SciKit learn documentation page which you can read. You should only read up on the
models you use.

ECON-1Intro Microeconomic25 open / 175 totalMWF
ECON-1Intro Microeconomic代写0 open / 175 totalMWF
ECON-2Intro MacroeconomicQQ2128789860TBA
ECON-10AEcon of Accounting0 open / 100 totalTuTh
ECON-10AEcon of Accounting11 waiting / 100 totalTBA
ECON-10BEcon of Accounting46 open / 200 totalMWF
ECON-11AMath Methd for Econ微信risepaperMWF
ECON-11BMath Methds Econ II代写4 waiting / 190 totalMWF
ECON-100AIntermed Microecon3 waiting / 125 totalTuTh
ECON-100AIntermed Microecon37 open / 65 totalMWF
ECON-100AIntermed Microecon17 open / 65 totalTuTh
ECON-100BIntermed Macroecon1 waiting / 172 totalMWF
ECON-100BIntermed Macroecon代写0 open / 0 totalCancelled
ECON-101Managerial Econ2 open / 65 totalTuTh
ECON-104Numbr Truth: Statis4 waiting / 80 totalTuTh
ECON-111BIntrmd Accountng II14 open / 75 totalMWF
ECON-112Auditing Attestation3 waiting / 72 totalMW
ECON-113Intro Econometrics12 open / 120 totalMWF
ECON-113Intro Econometrics代写12 open / 95 totalMWF
ECON-114Adv Quant Methods18 open / 40 totalTuTh
ECON-117AIncome Tax Factors1 waiting / 120 totalTuTh
ECON-120DevelopmentEconomics3 open / 50 totalTuTh
ECON-124Machine Learning Econ0 open / 40 totalMWF
ECON-125Econ History Of US7 waiting / 35 totalMWF
ECON-128Povrty/Publc Policy代写21 open / 40 total微信risepaper
ECON-135Corporate Finance8 waiting / 64 totalMWF
ECON-136Business Strategy3 open / 65 totalTuTh
ECON-139AElectronic Commerce7 waiting / 125 totalMW
ECON-140International Trade35 open / 65 totalMWF
ECON-149East&Southeast Asia7 waiting / 65 totalMWF
ECON-156Health Eco&Policy14 open / 40 totalMW
ECON-160AIndust Organization22 open / 60 totalTuTh
ECON-166AGame Theory /Apps I7 open / 65 totalTuTh
ECON-170Environmental Econ14 open / 45 totalTuTh
ECON-197Economic Rhetoric7 waiting / 35 totalTuTh
ECON-197Economic Rhetoric9 waiting / 35 totalTuTh
ECON-204BAdvMicroecnTheor II2 open / 15 totalTuTh
ECON-205BAdvMacroecnTheory II3 open / 15 totalMW
ECON-211BAdvEconometrics II3 open / 15 totalTuTh
ECON-217Applied Economet II4 open / 20 totalTuTh
ECON-220BDevelopment Econ II3 open / 7 totalTuTh
ECON-221AAdv Methods Macro I3 open / 5 totalMW
ECON-234Fin.Instit & Market13 open / 20 totalTuTh
ECON-235Corporate Finance15 open / 20 totalMWF
ECON-241BAdv Intl Finance II3 open / 5 totalTuTh
ECON-250BApplied Micro II1 open / 5 totalTuTh
ECON-259BPublic Polcy Analy3 open / 15 totalTuTh
ECON-274Macro Econ Workshop10 open / 20 totalW
ECON-275AppliedMicroeconWrkshp8 open / 20 totalM
ECON-276BehaviorExpTheory Econ10 open / 15 totalW
ECON-294AApplied EconFin Lab4 open / 12 totalW
ECON-294AApplied EconFin Lab2 open / 12 totalM
ECON-294BApplied Econ/Fin Sem19 open / 35 totalF
纷至沓来的咨询者,让小编最近都没有好好收拾自己的工作台,一片real mess!工作紧张,复习备考take home exam的时候,常常做一下深呼吸,继续收拾心情工作!


Covers discrete and limited dependent variable models, nonparametric estimation methods, resampling methods, as well as statistical (machine) learning methods commonly used in industry. Students learn the theoretical foundations behind the methods and also how to apply them in practice.

Intermediate Microeconomics+Intermediate Macroeconomics


ECON 100A Intermediate Microeconomics
Covers major theoretical issues arising in the study of resource allocation, the function of markets, consumer behavior, and the determination of price, output, and profits in competitive, monopolistic, and oligopolistic market structures. Also considers issues of welfare and public policy. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 100M.

The Staff
Prerequisite(s): ECON 1 and ECON 2; and ECON 11B or AM 11B or MATH 22 or MATH 23A.
Quarter offered
Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
ECON 100B Intermediate Macroeconomics
Covers major theoretical issues arising in the study of income, employment, interest rates, and the price level. Examines the role of monetary and fiscal policy in economic stabilization. Also considers these issues as they relate to the global economy. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 100N.




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English 103
Summer 2017
Instructor: D. Bargen
Research Paper Final Instructions
Final Essay Due August 16, 2017
虽然只有1000 Words,但是要求很详细,分许多的steps去逐步完成,需要更加耐心细致。

General Instructions Summary

The final paper is worth 30% of your grade for term work. Remember that research is a process in which you repeatedly collect, assess, and analyze data, refining and focussing your questions as you go along. While comparison may enter into your analysis, you are expected to go far beyond a simple comparison of one text to another.

Non-Formulaic Thesis Statement

For the final essay, the thesis statement should be non-formulaic: remove the words “In this essay I will argue that . . . by . . . .” I asked you to use this formula in the outlining and thesis statement assignment in order to teach you to think about the argument of your essay and reduce it to a concise statement. You must, of course, always think about reducing your argument to a concise statement in writing an academic paper, and the formula can be a helpful tool in doing that, but you also need to learn how to write thesis statements that are not formulaic.


First, you must have at least two works in your Works Cited including the primary text. The Works Cited should follow MLA style precisely; it should include only works actually cited in the body of the essay and must include all works cited. Second, the thesis statement should be non-formulaic. Third, staple your paper to the copy of your Stage 4 Formal Draft with my marks and comments on it before submitting it: I do not bring a stapler to class.

What is Game Theory? Begin with what it is not.
In pre-game-theory economics, each decision maker takes the environment as given:
Consumers take prices as given (price-taking assumption) when deciding consumption. This leads to an aggregate demand curve.
Firms take prices as given when deciding their production plan. This leads to an aggregate supply curve.
Aggregate demand and aggregate supply jointly determine a competitive equilibrium price.

The methodology that deals with strategic situations with a “small” number of players:

Game Theory
= Multiple-Person Decision Theory
= Interactive Decision Theory.

Game theory has revolutionized economics and many other fields in recent decades.

The course contains two parts.

The first part is about basic mathematical theories of games: how to model and solve a strategic situation.

The second part is on selected topics and advanced applications.
Apologies and Trust
Political Economy
Behavioral Game Theory


The use of data and econometric methods to test microeconomic theory. Applied micro is an umbrella term that includes labor, urban, education, industrial organization, public, health, and environmental economics.


2 General Equilibrium Theory
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Exchange economies
2.3 Some formalities
2.4 Pareto efficiency
2.5 Allocation mechanisms
2.5.1 Prices and markets
2.5.2 Bargaining and the core
2.6 Beyond the Edgeworth Box .
2.6.1 Competitive market exchange .
2.6.2 The FWT (in the general case) .
2.6.3 The core and the Edgeworth Conjecture

3 Confronting Risk
3.1 Introduction
3.2 A useful diagram
3.3 States and consequences

3.4 Attitudes to risk
3.5 Expected utility theory
3.6 Risk attitude in the HY diagram

4 Markets for Risk 87
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Insurance
4.2.1 Moral hazard in insurance contracting
4.3 Labour contracts
4.4 Parimutuel betting and prediction markets
4.4.1 Applying the HY diagram
4.4.2 Demand from risk-averse bettors
4.4.3 Equilibrium odds
4.4.4 Equilibrium with risk-averse bettors
4.4.5 Risk-seeking: The “favourite-longshot bias”
4.4.6 Prediction markets
4.5 Pricing …nancial securities
4.5.1 Arbitrage and complete markets
4.5.2 The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)


  • ECON1000 Using Big Data to Solve Economic and Social Problems
  • ECON1070 Race, Crime, and Punishment in America*
  • ECON1300 Education, The Economy and School Reform (EDUC1150)
  • ECON1301 Economics of Education  (EDUC1130)
  • ECON1305 Economics of Education: Research 
  • ECON1310 Labor Economics*
  • ECON1315 Health, Education, and Social Policy代写
  • ECON1340 Economics of Global Warming
  • ECON1350 Environment Economics and Policy (ENVS1350)
  • ECON1355 Environment Issues in Development Economics (ENVS1355)
  • ECON1360 Health Economics代写
  • ECON1370 Race and Inequality in the US*
  • ECON1375 Inequality of Opportunity in the US
  • ECON1385 Intergenerational Poverty in America*
  • ECON1400 Economics of Mass Media
  • ECON1410 Urban Economics
  • ECON1420 Industrial Organization
  • ECON1430 The Economics of Social Policy
  • ECON1450 Econ. Organizations and Econ. Systems
  • ECON1480 Public Economics
  • ECON1510 Economic Development
  • ECON1530 Health, Hunger, and the Household in Developing Countries*
  • ECON1825 Behavioral Economics and Public Policy


social science代写怎么拿到UCL 的Distinction?





Text organisation & cohesion以及critical thinking非常重要,一定要在开始写作之前就充分的理解题目,每一个部分都要考虑进去!还有就是我们常说的critical thinking。我一般将这点理解为evaluation,用于支持观点的evidence有什么问题?为什么选择这个evidence?和其他evidence对比咨询微信risepaper,为什么这个更critical?

Range,Style & Lexis应该注意什么?

标准的academic essay风格要正确,比如citation,hedging,how to write introduction等等。这一点多旨在强调文章的语言运用,是否用的是formal words,有没有使用academic style writing。有些同学的第一篇68分的essay中tutor就写到“词语搭配很awkward”这一点,也因为这种细节导致essay很难上70。此外,尽量减少肯定的说法,咨询微信risepaper,例如:will be,definitely…多用could,likely这种不完全绝对的语言。hedging可是非常重要的!


reference真的真的真的很重要!无论是in-text citation,还是reference list,都要确保使用了正确的引用格式。坚持使用所在学校规范的style,熟练掌握。像是把last name 写成了first name,或者是忘记空格等都很影响评分。细节,真的可以决定成败!


  • Interpret business concerns and explain how data analytics can address these concerns.
  • Select and implement a range of data analysis techniques to understand business concerns.
  • Select and analyse appropriate data, and visualise resultant analytics, with efficacy
  • Synthesise relevant data with appropriate analytical and visualisation techniques in a way that provides useful insight for business.
  • Reflect on personal capabilities and appraise oneself in relation to professional expectations
  • Integrate and explain how personal biases may impact ethical principles and data analytics


Assessment 1: Problem Solving Task

Data Analytics Notebook

Given a scenario based on a local business problem, address the key business concern/s through the selection of suitable data, the application of appropriate analysis techniques, and the use of effective visualisations. Document your thinking and defend your final decisions in a manner that would be acceptable to a business data analytics manager.

This is an assignment for the purposes of an extension.

Assessment 2: Report

Business Insight Report

Given a scenario related to a local or international business, use appropriate data analytics to extract useful business insight/s, and prepare a report suitable for senior management. Ensure that the report presents the business insight/s with justification drawn from the data analytics and relevant to the business context. The report will be suitable for inclusion in a professional portfolio.

This is an assignment for the purposes of an extension.

Assessment 3: Reflective Journal

The reflective journal will comprise two parts: Part A will be a reflection on foundational knowledge and/or skills and will receive formative feedback early in the semester. Part B will be a reflection on the challenges encountered when applying foundational skills within a given data analytics business context. The reflection should incorporate how data analytics tasks would be approached in a business context.

QUT的校训是 A university for the real world,因为QUT这种注重实践使用的宗旨很符合鬼佬的理念,QUT有很多课都是和当地的商界有密切的联系,会请许多当地商界的人做客座教授;另一方面 QUT本身还是一间建校很久的高等学府。

Unit A – Potential Flow

Unit B – Compressible Flow

We wish to predict fluid motion. that is the flow patterns and associated forces thevcreate (eg. lift and drag). In many cases this is a diffcult task and several differentapproaches may be required.


