老师傅代写GEOG2320 Climate Change: Current Geographic Issues


1. 课程介绍

The science, impacts, and politics of climate change from a geographic perspective. Examination of physical mechanisms, extreme weather events, impacts on water, food and energy systems, impacts on polar regions, energy strategies and solutions, policy and negotiations, and mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Fundamental principles of geographic information systems (GIS代写). Topics include history of the field, components of a GIS, the nature and characteristics of spatial data, methods of data capture and sources of data, database models, review of typical GIS operations and applications. Laboratory exercises provide experience with common computer-based systems.

2. 随想

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Careers in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are among the fastest growing in the U.S. economy. GIS are widely used for demographic and locational analysis, cartography, urban and regional planning, and environmental and natural resource management.

对比英国,ucl的化学类 geo开头 engineering类 information management for business 那一类会比较好录一点 (dbq我要吐槽一下教育 虽然说世界第一 但是成绩要求非常低而且录取率还挺高 虽然说课程设置还是很不错的很充实)经济 数学 计算机 都是贼恐怖的… 申请者平均3A*以上

在美国这边,Geo-engineering,其实理论上讲,这个专业是地理或者地信大类下面的,就是凡是你在Civil系的选课表里看到的“Geo”打头的课程,一般都是他们需要学习的(比如Geomorphology, Geomechanics, Geophysics等)。Geo-engineering其实是和Geo-science相对应的,非常类似于国内的工程地质,岩土工程。在东海岸的就业并不太乐观,但是这个专业在中西部的形势确实还不错,因为身边确实有这个专业然后跑到中部就业的同学,而且目前看虽然工作环境不是特别好,但日子还是有滋有味。

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