MN3215: Asia Pacific Multinationals essay代写收割机

MN3215: Asia Pacific Multinationals

After each presentation made by a visiting executive from an Asia Pacific multinational, summarize the key lessons you drew in the form of a dated note or diary. In some cases, the resident lecturer will present on a key multinational. Each entry should be approximately 350 words in length, although variations can be expected, and you should assess in turn four topics, namely strategy, corporate organization, core capabilities, and the role of government 

The firms to be analysed are:

  • Secom
  • Mitsubishi Corporation
  • Toyota
  • Huawei Technologies
  • Samsung Electronics

You should use the literature on international and Asia Pacific business, available on the Moodle website, to help provide insights.

By the set date, submit the case reports in one single assignment with a brief introduction and/or conclusion, providing some overview, general lessons, or questions for further research. Maximum words are 2500.这次essay字数略大,有老师指定的文献阅读,中低难度的essay,请放心甩单给俺们!riser GOGO!

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  • Suggested Analysis and Structure for Assignment 1

After a short introduction, the individual corporate case studies will follow and each looking where relevant at strategy, management structure (corporate organization), core capabilities and role of government. The last section is an overview or conclusion of your cases, giving a general picture of Asia Pacific Multinationals and the four factors analysed.

  • On analysing Asia Pacific multinationals, and their strategies, corporate organization, core capabilities, and government role, the following is a relevant guide andmust be consulted.

R Fitzgerald and H Rui, ‘Whose fall and whose rise?: lessons of Japanese MNCs for Chinese and emerging economy MNCs’, Asia Pacific Business Review, 2016, vol.4.

R Fitzgerald and C Rowley, Multinational Companies from Japan : Capabilities, Competitiveness, and Challenges, London, Routledge, 2015

  • Suggested Analysis and Structure for Assignment 1

After a short introduction, the individual corporate case studies will follow and each looking where relevant at strategy, management structure (corporate organization), core capabilities and role of government. The last section is an overview or conclusion of your cases, giving a general picture of Asia Pacific Multinationals and the four factors analysed.