

留学顾问の QQ:2128789860

final exam代考

Problem 1 Partitioning over excited states

Problem 2 Contributions to chemical potential

Problem 3 Reaction equilibrium for ligand binding

Problem 4 Solute partitioning代写

Problem 5 Osmotic pressure

Problem 6 Physical kinetics

Problem 7 Chemical kinetics代写

Bonus questions

a) Identify two states along reaction progress coordinate, one corresponding to the maximum and the other to the minimum of total entropy, i.e. entropy of the reacting sample plus environment! Explain the reasoning behind your answer!

Pressure-Based Equilibrium Constants

Because pressures are easier to measure than particle numbers for gases, it is often more convenient to use equilibrium constants Kp based on pressures rather than equilibrium constant K based on the particle numbers.

Onsager linear response relations in systems affected by multiple forces, e.g. simultaneous action of electric field on ions and concentration gradient.
In general, fluxes are coupled and each flux depends on all forces.

For example, diffusion in a mixture of NaCl and KCl shows coupling of distinct species fluxes: diffusion of NaCl also depends on the gradient of KCl concentration and vice versa.

Diffusion as a result of random motion explains the Fick’s laws:
Flux along the concentration gradient results from more molecules departing from regions of higher concentration than from the depleted ones.
Local concentration is changing when nonuniform concentration gradients prevent the balancing of incoming and outgoing fluxes in a region.

留学顾问の  QQ2128789860



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