
BUSS5221 Creative and Analytic Mindsets Semester 2 2022
Assignment 2 – Collaborative Creative Proposal (Group Assignment – Video Submission)
Summary of requirements
Weighting: 40% (of final grade)
Due Date: 22 September 2022 (10am Sydney time)
Time Limit: Maximum of six (6 minute) video (including display of reference list)
Other Requirements: Completion of a Peer Assessment – Feedback Fruits – available on the Canvas Assignment Portal.
Submit by the due date

Background and Objectives:
• Assist students develop their creative thinking to reframe their business problem
• Encourage students to experiment with different presentation tools and techniques to stimulate creative thinking in problem solving
• Encourage students to work collaboratively outside of the online learning environment by stimulating broader thinking through group discussion
• Assist students to develop their commitment to ongoing reading and research
Assignment Requirements – Six (6) minute Video
Collaborative Creative Proposal!

1. Let’s Re-Cap
You have each submitted your individual piece – Pitching My Idea!
The natural progression is now to take the Pitch and develop it to a more mature or advanced position –
making it a viable Sales Proposal.
This assignment will require your group to take the Pitch and further develop and explore its feasibility.

2. Framing the Sales Proposal
• You will create a six (6) minute video. This is the maximum time allowed for the video.
• What proposal will you develop? It is up to each group to spend some time reviewing and discussing the pitches each member developed and submitted for Assignment 1 – Pitching My Idea! The group is encouraged to choose the pitch that they feel will be best to take forward on the journey to Sales Proposal and Business Case. The choice is made by the group.

3. Structuring the Sales Pitch
Here are some recommendations on how to structure the sales pitch:
• Remember you are presenting this in a business environment. Perhaps to the State or National Sales Team of the organisation. This team will decide whether you are able to progress the Sales Proposal to a Business Case to be presented to the Board of Directors
• Considerations include: what are the significant facts and contextual background relevant to your pitch?
• What is the relative importance or practicalities of your proposal?
• What might be any significant concepts, theories or principles that relate to your proposal?
• Focus on structuring using some of these elements – Who (is it for, does it impact), Why (why is it required/needed) and How (how does it solve the why)
• If you are using specific terminologies that are industry based be sure to define them
• The group is expected to conduct appropriate research to support the Sales Proposal. At the end of the video each group is required to provide a slide of their reference list. Scholarly and peer reviewed references are not compulsory and may not be appropriate for your pitch
• Every member of the group must present in the video
• Assessment 3 will take the Sales Proposal and progress it into a Business Case (Nailing the
• Good Luck!

留学顾问の QQ:2128789860

4. To address this assignment you will need to:
• Conduct a critical review of the relevant literature around your case. This will require you to complete independent research and to evaluate at least five(5) references to support your case. These references may be industry surveys, white papers, newspaper articles, or other types of scholarly or practitioner-based research. Whilst there is no upper limit on the number of references you use, it is important that the references are well focussed to avoid vague generalisations and ensure relevance to the case.
• The reading and research will enable the group to explore the topic as fully as possible.
• Collaborate with your group to assimilate and assess the research you have conducted
• Brainstorm your plan or outline keeping in mind the need to remain focused on exciting and creative ideas
• Organise your ideas into some semblance of order and place a structure around the presentation. Remember it is always good to provide a brief introduction and conclusion in these presentations.
• Construct your presentation. You may use Powerpoint slides to support your video presentation.
• Each group member is required to present. Each group is able to decide how long each group member is allocated to present. Aim for a coherent and seamless narrative.
• Enjoy creating and recording your Sales Proposal! Try to offer a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere. Talk to your audience rather than read your notes.

纷至沓来的咨询者,让小编最近都没有好好收拾自己的工作台,一片real mess!工作紧张,复习备考take home exam的时候,常常做一下深呼吸,继续收拾心情工作!




Assessment Task 2 QUESTIONS
TOTAL = 155 marks



Q1. DATA SET WBC (Marks = 60 marks)

In an imaging experiment 50 white blood cells (WBCs) from non-diseased and 50 white blood cells from diseased patient group were analysed.
On each WBC the following characteristics of the WBC image was measured
• eccen Cell eccentricity
• arn Cell area
• perin Perimeter of the cell
• soln Solidity of the cell
• ext Extent of the cell
• diam Diameter of the cell

Part A:
The aim of the study on WBCs is to test whether the two groups have identical population mean vectors.
NOTE: Show your SAS code and relevant formulae, outputs, and interpretation.
a) Find the group specific mean vectors, and the variance-covariance and the correlation matrices. (5 marks)
b) State your null and alternative hypotheses, show the mathematical formulae for the appropriate test statistic and the formulation for finding the critical value and associated p values. (5 marks)
c) Carry out appropriate multivariate procedures to determine whether the WBC cells differ across the diseased and non-diseased populations. Show your SAS code and relevant formulae, outputs, and interpretation. (15 marks)

d) What underlying assumptions are involved in this test procedure above? (5 marks)
e) Now test which of the WBC characteristics differ significantly between the diseased cells compared to the non-diseased. Use the pooled variance of the relevant variables. (5 marks)
f) Obtain the 95% simultaneous confidence intervals of the differences, state your alpha value. Create a table of the resultant confidence intervals. (5 marks)
g) Obtain the analogous Bonferroni 95% Confidence Intervals of the differences. Create a table of the resultant confidence intervals. (5 marks)
h) Upon which if any of the WBC measures do the disease and non-diseased cells differ significantly, based on your answers in f)-g)? (5 marks)

Part B:
NOTE: Show your SAS code and relevant formulae, outputs, and interpretation.
a) For each group, plot the pairwise 90% prediction ellipses using PROC CORR for the pair of variables most significantly and negatively correlated and the pair of variables most significantly positively correlated. (5 marks)
b) Produce plots to test for multivariate normality of your data for each group. Is the data normal? (5 marks)
NOTE: In all parts of the question ensure you show your SAS code and relevant formulae, outputs, and interpretation.

Q2. DATA SET WBC (Marks = 70 marks)

For the data set analysed in Question 1 on WBCs:
For the diseased group:
a) Perform a principal component analysis (PCA). Show your full SAS code and all SAS output (5 marks)
b) Give (write out) the formulation of the first 3 principal components Prin j, j=1, …, 3 (PC1, PC2, PC3). (3 marks)
c) Find the variance and the cumulative proportion explained by each of the full suite of principal components. (3 marks)
d) Create the Principal Component Pattern Profile plot and interpret all the Principal Components. Justify your answers carefully according to your Principal Component Pattern Profile plot. (8 marks)
e) How many principal components (PC’s) would you retain based on the scree plot? Justify your answer. (2 marks)
f) Perform formal statistical tests to ascertain the optimal number of principal components to retain. HINT: Test the significance of the “larger” components, that is, the components corresponding to the larger eigenvalues. (4 marks)
g) Construct the 95% CI for 1. Show your formula and working along with the result. (2 marks)
h) Construct the 95% CI for 2. Show your formula and working along with the result. (2 marks)
i) Which variables contribute the most to PC2? (1 mark)

For the non-diseased group:
a) Perform a principal component analysis (PCA). Show your full SAS code and all output (5 marks)
b) Give (write out) the formulation of the first 3 principal components Prin j, j=1, …, 3 (PC1, PC2, PC3). (3 marks)
c) Find the variance and the cumulative proportion explained by each of the full suite principal components. (3 marks)
d) Create the Principal Component Pattern Profile plot and interpret all the Principal Components. Justify your answers carefully according to your Principal Component Pattern Profile plot. (8 marks)
e) How many principal components (PC’s) would you retain based on the scree plot? Justify your answer. (2 marks)
f) Perform formal statistical tests to ascertain the optimal number of principal components to retain. HINT: Test the significance of the “larger” components, that is, the components corresponding to the larger eigenvalues. (4 marks)
g) Construct the 95% CI for 1. Show your formula and working along with the result. (2 marks)
h) Construct the 95% CI for 2. Show your formula and working along with the result. (2 marks)
i) Which variables contribute the most to PC2? (1 mark)
j) Make comments about the differences and similarities between the PC analytic results based on the diseased and non-diseased PC pattern profiles and the first 2 PCs found. (10 marks)

留学顾问の QQ:2128789860

留学顾问の QQ:2128789860

A business case is a reflection of a real managerial situation. It really happened. You are the
main character, or decision maker, in the business case. So, quickly put yourself into his or her
shoes; be familiar with your personal and professional background and the situation. In other
words, pay attention to the details; some of them may be important to persuade your manager or
the Board of Directors that your recommendation really is the “right” one. The decision maker is
usually mentioned in the first paragraph and the case usually revolves around the decision maker
– e.g., the interactions, knowledge, and key actions.
In developing a managerial report, it is not enough to simply conduct and report your analysis.
You must think strategically, consider multiple alternatives, and logically interpret the
environment (and people) in which you operate. You must persuade your manager or the Board
of Directors that your recommendation is the best one – not with an emotional appeal, but with

You must make a decision on the information provided within the case.
Regarding your recommendation, no decision is 100% the right one – or the wrong one. The
evidence, and your analysis, suggests that one alternative is the preferred one. Your job is to
figure out which alternative it is. This moment is not a time to “go with your gut.” Again, we
want a logical appeal. Since your recommendation inherently is not 100%, there are some
disadvantages of your recommendation. Address the disadvantages. Part of your
recommendation should include suggestions on how to mitigate them.
When grading the report, I look for the correct identification of the issue, depth in your analysis,
reasonableness of your alternatives and recommendation, and a viable action plan. I evaluate
your logic to solve the problem.

Decision Maker Report: Ranger Creek Brewing and Distilling

Executive Summary

We, Rodham-Clinton, recommend our company purchase the new equipment to increase the capacity and satisfy the forecasting of sales. Currently, our sales increases quickly and exceed our current production capacity. We forecasted sale from 2014 to 2019 and expand capacity to catch the growing sale. We recommend to buy five fermentation tanks, six filters for beer production and four containers for spirit production. Eventually, our new capacity for beer is 246000 gallons per year and for spirit is 5340 gallons per year. In addition, we also recommend to redesign the plant’s layout to satisfy the new capacity. The new capacity could satisfy the forecast sale at the end of 2014 due to the one year throughput time.

现公司旗下聚集了来自顶尖学府的研究生,博士生优秀留学人才的写手团队, 我们秉着诚信,品质第一的态度对待每一项工作,每一个客户,多年来受到了客户的广泛好评,通过率一直稳居99.8%左右

COMP9444 Neural Networks and Deep Learning
Session 2, 2017
Project 3 – Deep Reinforcement Learning
Due: Sunday 29 October, 23:59 pm
Marks: 15% of final assessment

留学顾问の QQ:2128789860

In this assignment we will implement a Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithm on some classic control tasks in the OpenAI AI-Gym Environment. Specifically, we will implement Q-Learning using a Neural Network as an approximator for the Q-function, with experience replay.
There are no constraints on the structure or complexity of network to be implemented, and marks are awarded on the basis of the learning speed and generality of your final model.
Because we are not operating on raw pixel values but already encoded state values, the training time for this assignment is relatively short, and each problem should only require approximately 15 minutes on a standard laptop PC.

The structure of this assignment is somewhat different to Assignment 1 and 2. Instead of functions to implement in a separate file, you have been given a partially completed python script.
Once you have implemented the unfinished parts of the script, you can run the code the same way you have with python3 neural_Qtrain.py. However, you can also call your main() function from another file, or invoke it from the command line if you wish to pass in specific argument values.
If running from the command line, navigate to the directory where the file is located and call the file like so:
$ python neural_Qtrain.py “CartPole-v0”
Would run the cartpole environment.
Alternatively, you can run the code interactively in ipython with e.g.
$ ipython
In [1]: import neural_Qtrain.py as qlearn
env, state_dim, action_dim, network_vars = qlearn.setup()
In [2]: qlearn.qtrain(env, state_dim, action_dim, *network_vars, render=True, num_episodes=5)
You can then run qlearn.qtrain() again with different values for “render”, “num_episodes”, etc. without reinitialising your network.


留学顾问の QQ:2128789860


Word limit: 2,000 words

CW2: 40% weighting: Learning outcome(s) to be assessed:   2

Working from a list of topic areas (see below) students to define their own essay title, agree this with their tutor and write a 2,000 word essay.

This individual assignment assesses your ability to:

Further develop understanding on a particular topic and critically evaluate the key issues. (Module Learning Outcome 2)

In order to achieve a high grade your work should be carefully researched, clearly argued, well presented and well structured. (Hand written work is unacceptable)

Topic Areas:

Strategic Management Accounting

Divisional Performance Measures

Pricing &Transfer Pricing

Environmental Management Accounting


Business Ethics

Relevant Costing and Outsourcing

To help you choose, decide which topic interests you the most or the topic that relates to something you have done or are going to do.

Professional level of discussion of a publishable standard. Exceptional discussion with exceptional use of theory and critical evaluation.  Pertinent issues identified and discussed to exceptional depth, showing insight and independent thought.

SIT603212 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality (Event Management pathway) Subject Title
SITIEM14 Introduction to Event Management Unit(s) of Competency
SITXEVT301 Access information on event operations Title of Assessment Task
Assessment 1: Event planning report

This assessment is the first of two assessment tasks which is required to be successfully completed to achieve competency in this subject.
This assessment enables you to demonstrate performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to access and interpret documentation relating to event industry operations including industry structure, technology, laws and ethical issues specifically relevant to event coordination.

留学顾问の QQ:2128789860

You are working as an event planner for an event management company. Your company has been approached to plan and execute a major public outdoor event in Hyde Park in Sydney.
The event organizers have provided you with the following information which you will need to consider in the planning:
– The event will be held on three days in October – Friday, Saturday and Sunday – and the opening hours will be 11.00am until 11.00pm.
-Alcohol is planned to be served by stallholders that will be set up at the event.
-Several celebrity guests will be attending the event and they will need special street car parking.
-The organizers anticipate over 12,000 people to attend the event over the three days.
-Organizers expect a fair amount of traffic disruption around the area which will impact on the local community.
-Organizers would like to make this event a ‘sustainable event’ and will look to include sustainable practices in the planning.


Management accounting,


Business finance,

计量金融(Quantitative Finance)

International finance,

Sustainability accounting and accountability,

Financial accounting and reporting,

Financial analysis,

Corporate governance and compliance




Overview of database systems, ER models, logical database design and normalization, formal relational query languages, SQL and other commercial languages,data warehouses, special topics.

留学顾问の QQ:2128789860

Pre-reqs课程要求: CPSC 221.

CPSC 221 Basic Algorithms and Data Structures代写

Design and analysis of basic algorithms and data structures; algorithm analysis methods, searching and sorting algorithms, basic data structures, graphs and concurrency.

Relational Query Languages涉及重点

  • Tuple Relational Calculus (TRC)
  • Relational Algebra (RA)
  • SQL


使用: \aggr_{aggr_attr_list} input_relation

Group: \aggr_{group_by_attrs: aggr_attr_list} input_relation

SQL (Relational) Databases


  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • SQLite
  • Oracle
  • Microsoft SQL Server, etc.



  • 基本语法:select/delete/insert/update、limit、join等
  • 索引:B+树,聚族索引,二级索引,组合索引,最左匹配原则,索引失效、慢查询
  • 事务:事务四大特性ACID,事务隔离级别,MVCC
  • 锁:全局锁、表级锁、行级锁、快照读、当前读、乐观锁、悲观锁、死锁
  • 日志:重做日志(redo log)、回滚日志(undo log)、二进制日志(binlog)
  • 架构:读写分离、主从架构、分库分表、数据库和缓存双写一致性


School of Computer Science题量大约四五道,与Mock Examination难度相当


Answer ALL questions. The paper will be marked out of 60, which will be rescaled to a mark out of 100.

Question 2 : Context-free Languages

Question 3 : Models of Computation

Question 4 : Decidability and Complexity
(a) Following a spate of malware problems, several companies are reviewing their security
(i) The manager of Very Careful Ltd. instructs their IT team to write a program
that can determine whether an app is able to corrupt data. Can this instruction
be carried out? Explain your answer.
(ii) The manager of Somewhat Careful Inc. instructs their IT team to write a
program that can determine whether an app’s code contains the signature (the
essential part of the code) of a known virus. Can this instruction be carried
out? Explain your answer.

(b) The following program takes as input a nonempty array p of a’s and b’s of length
n > 0.
elapse 2 seconds;
for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++){
elapse 1 second;
if (p[i]==’b’ && p[i+1]==’a’) {
p[i+1] = ‘b’;
elapse 1 second;
For example, if the input is abab, then the output is abbb. All the running time is
given by the elapse instructions.
Give the best case, worst case, and average case running time for length n = 3. For
the average case, assume that each entry is independent, with a and b equally likely.
Show that the worse case running time is O(n).
[9 marks]

留学顾问の QQ:2128789860


Assignment 9:  Transportation Planning With LP

A. You are a transportation economist for an Italian firm.  In the next planning period, the firm must ship a product from Milan, Florence and Venice, to Turin, Genoa, Pisa, Modena and Padua.  The quantities available by source, the quantities needed by destination, and unit transportation costs are as follows

Download the Excel file named MEL09-F15 Tran LP.xls.  Set up this partially completed worksheet to solve minimum cost transportation problems with up to six sources and up to six destinations.  Add the constraint equations (out-shipments by source and in-shipments by destination) and the objective/target equation (total transportation cost).  Hint: this is a very good place to use the SUMPRODUCT function.

Set up the solver to find the minimum cost transportation plan for any problem with up to six sources and six destinations.  Select the non-negative decision variables option and Simplex LP solution method.  Enter the data for the problem above and find the optimal shipping plan using the Excel solver.  Save the answer and sensitivity report tabs – you will be submitting your Excel file.

B. In the next shipping period, the per unit transport costs for shipments from Venice will be 25% higher due to road construction projects.  Modify the problem and solve it for the new rate structure.  Again, save the answer report and sensitivity report tabs.

C. Prepare a Word document with a complete description of the analyses you completed for problems A and B, and the results of the analyses.  Write your report in the form of a memo to your company’s Director of Logistics.Your memo should be clear in meaning and free of errors.  Use of linear programming and related economic terms and concepts should be correct and consistent – you may assume that the Director is familiar with these concepts and terms.  Your memo should be complete, including data tables and tables of results.

D. For this assignment, you will submit your xlsx file with the two answer and sensitivity reports, and your docx file with the memo to the Director of Logistics.  Details about submitting your assignment will be provided at the December 2 labs session.


Welcome to MCEN30020: Systems Modelling and Analysis (SMA)!

留学顾问の QQ:2128789860


Assignments (40%): Due in Weeks 5, 9 and 12 each worth 10%, 15% and 15%, respectively
Final (60%): Online exam which is a hurdle

Matlab is used extensively in the course. Make good use of the workshops and consultation hours to have any queries answered.

Weeks 1-2:
Mechanical Systems (modelling)代写
State-space representation (analysis)
Stability (analysis)
Weeks 3-4:
Electrical/electromechanical systems (modelling)代写
Laplace domain (analysis)
Transfer domain (analysis)
Weeks 5-6:
Thermal and fluid systems (modelling)代写
Analysis of non-periodic inputs (analysis)
Weeks 7-9:
Frequency domain analysis (analysis)
Periodic inputs (modelling/analysis)代写
Discrete time systems (modelling/analysis)

Week 10-11:
Vibrations (modelling/analysis)代写
Week 12:

MCEN30020 Systems Modelling & Analysis:
Workshop Week 12
State Space, Vibrations and System ID

If the differential equation for h(t) has a time constant τ = 55 and gain K = 32, what is the value
of d?
(a) d = 0.5659 m
(b) d = 0.6086 m
(c) d = 0.7343 m
(d) d = 0.5346 m
(e) None of the options