Consider a company with the following financial information for the financial year ending 2018:
• The consensus analyst earnings per share forecasts for the next two years
(2019 and 2020) are $4.29 and $4.78, respectively.
• In its 2018 annual report, the company reported earnings per share of $3.93, book value per share of $20.15, and dividends per share of $1.06.
• Assume that from 2021 to 2023, the company’s earnings per share is expected to grow at 11% relative to 2020.
• The dividend payout ratio is expected to remain at its 2018 level.
• The cost of equity capital as of 2010 is 10%.
• The residual earnings (RE) will grow at 4% annual rate beyond the terminal year
Calculate the present value of residual earnings for the next 5 years up to the terminal year (2019-2023).
Use up to 2 decimal places
Forecasting implies a “summary” of what we have learned:
Business Analysis
Accounting Analysis
Financial Analysis
Strategy, accounting and financial performance analyses provide valuable information that help to shape forecast assumptions.
Forecasts can be produced by relying on historical patterns,assuming that whatever has already taken place will continue to persist…
Even though this type of forecasting is often described as “driving a car by looking in the back window”, it is often the best we have, and works well when there is enough data and sensible analysis