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- How is IPE distinct from Economics as a discipline concerned with ‘markets’?
- Why do we need ‘theory’ in IPE?
- Is economic nationalism progressive?
- A critical analysis of neoliberalism.
- Why do critical political economists focus on class?
- How do ideas matter in IPE?
- Why is gender relevant for the analysis of global market life?
- How do colonial assumptions persist in IPE?
- The everyday is a site of domination ‘and’ resistance. Discuss.
- Is global trade good for development?
- Who benefits from global supply chains?
- How are everyday actors relevant for the study of global finance?
- A critical analysis of consumption.
- How, if at all, do migrants matter in IPE?
- Can markets save the environment?
- Is global governance democratic? Should it be?
- ‘Global resistance is futile.’ Discuss
- What are the key empirical challenges that IPE must adapt to in future?