- 一遇到困难,总感觉抖音的BGM再耳旁环绕,完了,芭比Q了,遇到rise锐泽paper,让我们一起在知识的海洋中上岸,遇到挫折,勇于直面!
- 现在是农历的十月,马上就要春节,估计小编又要一直忙到明年年中才能稍微歇息一下,有需求的小伙伴赶紧order哦,2022年1月份的单子已经有了
- Decision vs Uncertainty,To continue the branch associated with \Yes” which of the following
symbols to be used? Why? Square because it involves decision options. - You are the business analyst for a large company producing yachts for the
rich and famous. The CEO of the company wants to decide on the level of
production for the next year based on the following information gathered
by you and your team. - P(g|G) = 0.8 and P(s|S) = 0.8 (where g, G, s and S denote “economist saying growing”, “growing”, “economist saying stagnating” and “stagnating”)
- Say we considered the following gamble: Win y dollars with probability 0.5, Lose y=2
with probability 0.5. Say we decided that the maximum y that would be acceptable is
3000. Thus, the risk tolerance R for the exponential utility function is R = $3000 - Note again that the exact values of the utilities might vary depending on whether we
are working in dollars or thousands of dollars. However, the ordering of the options will
remain constant. Here we work in units of dollars.